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Got roaches on your property? Let us help – cockroaches are one of the most unsightly pests around and they also are known carriers of disease. They are hard to keep out once they’ve found their way in. Small cracks are easy pathways into your home for them to take advantage of.

Cockroaches are drawn to food, shelter, and damp. They are most often found in kitchens around food and scraps, around leaking pipes or in damp corners hidden from sunlight.


Cockroaches are flat, oval-shaped insects with six spindly legs and two antennae, often as long as their body. While there are several species, the most common ones found in homes include German, American, and Oriental cockroaches. They range in color from reddish-brown to dark brown, and some species have distinctive markings on their thorax and abdomen.

Common Cockroaches Species

Albino Cockroaches

These are not separate species but rather newly molted cockroaches. After shedding their old skin, they appear white or “albino.” As their new exoskeleton hardens, they'll regain their typical color, often within a few hours.

American Cockroaches

One of the largest species, American cockroaches, are reddish-brown with a yellow figure-eight pattern behind their heads. They primarily live in warm and humid environments, often found in basements or sewer systems, and are notorious for spreading various diseases.

Asian Cockroaches

Very similar in appearance to German cockroaches, Asian cockroaches are attracted to light, unlike their German counterparts. Native to Asia, they have become a significant nuisance in the southern U.S., often infesting gardens and lawns.

Australian Cockroaches

Resembling American cockroaches but smaller, Australian cockroaches have a yellow margin on their thorax and yellow streaks on their wings. They're typically found in the Southern U.S., thriving in warm, humid environments and often infesting greenhouses.

Brown Banded Cockroaches

Recognized by alternating light and dark bands across their bodies, they prefer drier locations than other species. Often found in cabinets, closets, or near ceilings, they have a shorter lifespan than other cockroaches.

Cinerous Lobster Cockroaches

These cockroaches are native to Central America and have a unique dark and light striping reminiscent of a lobster's pattern. They are not typical household pests but are often kept as pets or used as feeders in the reptile community.

Cuban Cockroaches

Bright green and native to Cuba, these roaches are attracted to light. They primarily live outdoors in shrubs and trees and are flying cockroaches. In the U.S., they're primarily found in Florida and the Gulf Coast states.

Death Head Cockroaches

Named for the unique pattern on their thorax resembling a skull, they are burrowing roaches and can grow quite large. Native to Africa, they're typically kept as pets due to their unique appearance.

Field Cockroaches

These are smaller roaches, often mistaken for German roaches. Primarily found in the southwestern U.S., they live outdoors, feeding on plant material and occasionally venturing indoors.

Florida Woods Cockroaches

Also called “stinking roaches,” they release a foul-smelling defensive secretion. They're large, dark brown, and primarily found in Florida, living outdoors in damp, wooded areas.

Flying Cockroaches

Many cockroach species have wings, but not all are good fliers. Flying cockroaches are more common in tropical climates, easily navigating from one location to another.

German Cockroaches

Small, light brown, and bearing two dark stripes behind their head, they're the most common indoor cockroach species. Prolific breeders they're a significant concern for homeowners and businesses alike.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Native to Madagascar, these large cockroaches hiss by expelling air through their breathing holes. They are wingless, have a brownish color, and are popular in the pet trade due to their size and unique sound.

Madeira Cockroaches

Originating from Africa, these cockroaches are medium-sized, glossy, and dark brown. They prefer outdoor environments, often hiding under bark or rocks.

Oriental Cockroaches

Dark and shiny, they're sometimes called "water bugs" due to their preference for damp environments. They emit a strong, unpleasant odor and can be found in basements, sewers, and other wet areas.

Pacific Beetle Cockroaches

Unique because they can produce a luminous bacterial secretion, these cockroaches are found in the Pacific region. They have a shiny, dark exterior and are not typical household pests.

Pale Bordered Field Cockroaches

Strikingly marked with contrasting black and red or orange colors, they are native to the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. They're mostly found outdoors and are attracted to lights.

Sand Cockroaches

These are desert dwellers, primarily found in American Southwest regions. They're non-invasive, mostly underground, surfacing only to feed on plant material.

Smoky Brown Cockroaches

These are large, uniformly dark brown cockroaches, common in the southeastern U.S. They're strong fliers and prefer outdoor environments but will invade homes in search of food and moisture.

Surinam Cockroaches

These burrowing roaches are unique as populations consist only of females. They reproduce through parthenogenesis. They're dark brown with a lighter, tan prothorax and are typically in subtropical or tropical climates.

Turkestan Cockroaches

Originating from Central Asia, they have spread to the southwestern U.S. Males are rusty red, while females are dark brown with cream-colored markings. They're fast breeders, often replacing other roach species in the same environment.

Wood Cockroaches

As the name suggests, they inhabit wooded areas, especially decaying logs and stumps. They're not home invaders but can be brought into homes with firewood. They're brown, and many species have wings, making them good fliers.



Cockroaches are omnivorous scavengers, which means they will eat almost anything. They prefer sweet and starchy foods but won’t avoid consuming other organic matter like paper, hair, or decaying matter. In severe infestations, they might even turn cannibalistic. Their varied diet is one of the reasons they can thrive in many environments, making them a challenging pest to control.


Natural Habitats:
Cockroaches are incredibly adaptive creatures and have been around for millions of years. In the wild, they prefer warm, humid environments, such as tropical and subtropical forests.

  • Forests: They often live in leaf litter, under bark, and in fallen logs.
  • Caves: Some species are adapted to the darkness and humidity of cave systems.
  • Grasslands: Here, they might be found under rocks and debris.

Urban Habitats:
The adaptability of cockroaches is showcased in urban environments where some species have become pests.

  • Homes: They are drawn to our residences for food, moisture, and shelter. Common places include kitchens, bathrooms, and basements.
  • Sewers & Drains: These provide darkness, moisture, and food for cockroaches.
  • Commercial buildings: Especially restaurants, grocery stores, and bakeries.

How to eliminate Cockroaches

  • Sanitation: Ensure your home, especially the kitchen and bathroom, is clean. Regularly remove the trash, avoid leaving food out, and seal food items properly.
  • Seal Entry Points: Caulk cracks, crevices, and gaps in doors and windows to prevent roaches from entering.
  • Use Gel Baits: These reduce cockroach populations and are less messy than traditional sprays.
  • Bait Stations: Safe for use around pets and children, bait stations can help reduce the roach population by targeting adults and nymphs.
  • Regular Inspections: Frequently check popular hiding spots for any signs of infestation. Early detection can make elimination easier.
  • Professional Help: If you suspect an infestation, it’s best to call professionals like Mint Pest Control for a comprehensive solution.


How can I tell if I have a cockroach infestation?

Apart from spotting live or dead roaches, look for fecal droppings, egg cases, or an oily, musty odor.

Are cockroaches dangerous?

Yes, they can contaminate food, leading to diseases. They also release allergens that can exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in children.

Do cockroaches fly?

Some species have wings and can fly short distances, but most common household roaches aren't great fliers.

Why do I have roaches in a clean house?

Cockroaches are attracted to food, water, and shelter. Even the cleanest homes can provide these necessities.

How fast do cockroaches multiply?

Very quickly. A pair can lead to thousands in just one year under optimal conditions.

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