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bedbug control

Bed Bugs

Waking up with itchy bites? Bed bugs could be to blame! Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius)  are small, oval, brownish pests that feed exclusively on the blood of animals, mainly humans. They are notorious for their itchy bites and their ability to spread quickly in both residential and commercial settings. While they don’t transmit diseases, they can be a significant nuisance and cause emotional stress. Early detection and treatment are crucial to managing and eradicating infestations.



  • Size: About the size of an apple seed, ranging from 1mm to 7mm.
  • Color: Reddish-brown but can be more reddish after feeding.
  • Shape: Oval and flattened from top to bottom.

Life Stages

  • Eggs: Tiny, whitish, and about the size of a pinhead.
  • Nymphs: They undergo five stages of growth, shedding skin at each stage, and require a blood meal before each molt.
  • Adults: Fully grown bed bugs that can reproduce after feeding.

Common Bed Bugs Species

Cimex lectularius (Common Bed Bug)

Distribution: Primarily found in temperate climates, this is the most common species in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia.

Habitat: Prefers human environments, particularly bedrooms. They can be found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and even in cracks and crevices of walls.

Appearance: Reddish-brown and flat-bodied, about the size of an apple seed.

Cimex hemipterus (Tropical Bed Bug)

Distribution: Common in tropical regions like Africa, Asia, and parts of South America.

Habitat: Similar to the common bed bug, it prefers human sleeping areas. However, it thrives in warmer climates.

Appearance: Very similar to C. lectularius but may be slightly smaller.

Haematosiphon inodorus (Poultry Bug)

Distribution: North America.

Habitat: Primarily feeds on birds, especially poultry. They can occasionally bite humans if birds aren't accessible.

Appearance: Larger than the common bed bug with a longer beak-like mouthpart.

Cimex adjunctus (Chimney Swift Bug)

Distribution: Found primarily in North America.

Habitat: Its main host is the chimney swift bird, but it can also feed on humans if its primary host is not available. Often located in chimneys or near nesting sites of the chimney swift.

Appearance: Similar to the common bed bug, but tends to be slightly larger and may have a different color tone.

Oeciacus vicarius (Swallow Bug)

Distribution: Widely spread in North America.

Habitat: Primarily feeds on cliff swallows and can be found in their nesting areas. If birds leave or are not accessible, they can target humans.

Appearance: They look very much like bed bugs but are often associated with bird nests, especially those of swallows.

local bed bug removal


  • Preferred Locations: Bed bugs prefer to live close to their feeding area, usually within 8 feet of where people sleep. This includes mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards.
  • Hiding Places: Cracks and crevices in walls, behind wallpapers, under the clutter, and inside electronic appliances.

Spread and infestation

  • Dark spots or stains on mattresses or sheets.
  • Presence of their eggs, shed skins, or the bugs themselves.
  • Rusty smears caused by crushed bugs.
  • An unusual odor, although not always noticeable.
  • Itchy bite marks on the skin.
Bed Bug Removal Service

How to eliminate Bed Bugs

  • Inspection: Use a flashlight to check common hiding places: seams of mattresses, cracks in the bed frame, and behind headboards.
  • Declutter: Reduce hiding places by decluttering your home.
  • Laundry: Wash and dry all bedding and clothing at the highest temperature setting.
  • Vacuum: Regularly vacuum all areas, especially around the bed, and dispose of the vacuum contents outside.
  • Professional Bed Bug Treatment: If you suspect an infestation, consider contacting a pest control professional like Mint Pest Control.
  • Pesticides: Use EPA-registered pesticides specifically for bed bugs. Always follow label instructions.
  • Monitor: Install bed bug traps to monitor their presence and prevent their return.
  • Prevention: Use mattress encasements, be cautious when traveling, and regularly inspect your sleeping areas.


What are the signs of bed bugs?

Bed bugs are tricky to identify. They are almost exclusively attracted to humans and will burrow their way into clothes, shoes, beds, and more. If you notice any of the following signs, call Mint immediately to schedule a bed bug inspection and get a plan for eradication.

    • Small blood spots on pillows and sheets

    • Small bug eggs or shells on pillows and sheets

    • Uncommon musty odor around bedroom

    • Itchy red spots on your skin

    • Small white spots along furniture joints

How can I prevent bed bugs?

    • Identify infestation areas - check your bedding, mattress, and furniture for signs of bed bugs

    • Deep clean - cleaning thoroughly and removing clutter can help remove hiding spots for bed bugs

    • Insecticides - use these with caution and as directed. Ensure you choose one labeled for bed bugs specifically.

    • Heat treatment - this can be effective in killing bed bugs and bed bug eggs. Raise the temperature of the infested area to between 120-135 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a professional, or research DIY portable heat chambers.

Can bed bugs transmit diseases?

No, bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases to humans.

Can bed bugs survive cold or hot temperatures?

Bed bugs are sensitive to temperature extremes. Prolonged exposure to temperatures above 120°F can kill them, while freezing temperatures can also be effective if sustained.

How often do bed bugs feed?

Usually, bed bugs feed every 5 to 10 days, but they can survive without feeding for several months.

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