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termite pest control


Termites, often known as ‘silent destroyers,’ are notorious for causing billions of dollars in property damage each year. Their ability to silently chew through wood, flooring, and even wallpaper can lead to catastrophic property damages if not addressed. With Mint Pest Control’s insights, discover more about these elusive pests and the steps you can take to protect your home.


  • Appearance: Termites are often mistaken for ants due to their similar size and structure. However, termites have straight antennae, a thicker waist, and wings of equal size (if present), unlike ants.
  • Signs of Termite Infestation: Mud tubes on walls, hollow-sounding wood, discarding of wings, and termite droppings (often resembling sawdust) are some indicative signs.

Common Termites Species

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites require a moisture-rich environment to thrive and often construct mud tubes, a key sign of infestation. These tubes protect them from predators and help maintain their desired humidity levels.

Identification: Subterranean termites are among the most common and destructive termite species. They are creamy brownish to dark brown and measure between 1/8 to 1 inch.

Habitat: As their name suggests, they primarily live underground, creating elaborate tunnel systems and mud tubes to reach food sources.

Diet: These termites feed voraciously on wood and anything containing cellulose, often causing significant structural damage.

Formosan Termites

Native to China, Formosan termites have spread globally and are considered an invasive species in many areas. Their colonies can number in the millions, significantly accelerating the damage rate.

Identification: Often referred to as "super termites" due to their destructive capabilities, Formosan termites are creamy white to brown and are slightly larger than the common subterranean species.

Habitat: Formosans build intricate carton nests made of soil and chewed wood or even within the walls of structures.

Diet: Like their counterparts, they feed on wood and cellulose, but their large colony size makes them notably more destructive.

Dampwood Termites

Identification: These termites are larger than subterranean or Formosan termites; as the name implies, they prefer damp wood.

Habitat: They usually inhabit decaying logs, stumps, or dead parts of trees and shrubs.

Diet: Dampwood termites feed on wood with high moisture content. They don't typically infest structures unless there's a leak or constant moisture source. Due to their need for high moisture, regular maintenance and ensuring that wooden structures of homes remain dry can prevent infestations.

Drywood Termites

Identification: Unlike their damp-loving cousins, drywood termites are adapted to dry conditions and are pale brown to light yellow.

Habitat: They live, feed, and nest within undecayed wood with low moisture content, including structures and furniture.

Diet: Their diet consists of soft grain and spring wood, often leaving a distinct pattern of chambers and tunnels. Since they don't require contact with the soil and can live within the wood they consume, infestations can be more challenging to detect. Telltale signs include piles of their fecal pellets outside of infested wood.

Conehead Termites

Originally from the Caribbean, conehead termites were first detected in the U.S. in 2001. Their aggressive nature makes them a severe threat to structures, trees, and shrubs. Immediate control and elimination are vital upon discovery.

Identification: Distinguished by their dark and cone-shaped heads, conehead termites were initially known as "tree termites" but got renamed to avoid confusion with other species.

Habitat: Unlike most termites, coneheads don't rely on underground tunneling but move openly, creating a visible and distinct path.

Diet: They have a broad appetite and can feed on a variety of plant-based materials, not just wood.



Termites thrive in moist, dark environments. Subterranean termites build intricate mud tubes to traverse open spaces, while drywood termites often live within the wood they consume. They can be found in woodpiles, dead trees, and the structural timbers of buildings.


Termites primarily feed on cellulose, a component found in wood. This makes homes a prime target, especially areas where wood comes into contact with the ground. They also consume paper, books, insulation, and swimming pool liners.

termite treatment services

How to eliminate Termites

  • Reduce Moisture: Termites thrive in moist conditions. Ensure good drainage, fix leaks, and clean gutters to prevent moisture accumulation.
  • Barriers and Treatments: Use termite barriers like sand or metal shields when constructing homes. Chemical treatments in the soil around your home can also deter termites.
  • Regular Inspections: Given their stealthy nature, regular professional inspections are crucial. Mint Pest Control provides thorough termite assessments, ensuring early detection.
  • Termite Baits: These can be positioned around the perimeter of your property to monitor termite activity and deliver a slow-acting poison to the colony.
  • Professional Fumigation: For advanced infestations, especially with drywood termites, tent fumigation might be necessary.

Protecting your home from the menace of termites requires vigilance and expertise. Mint Pest Control provides both, ensuring your space remains termite-free, safe, and intact. For a personalized termite control strategy, contact us for a free quote.


How quickly can termites damage my home?

While termites work slowly, an entire colony can consume about a foot of 2x4 wood in six months. Over time, their continuous feeding can lead to significant damage.

Do termites bite humans?

Termites are not known to bite humans but can bite if handled. They are not harmful and don't carry diseases.

Are there any natural predators to termites?

Yes, ants are natural enemies of termites. Birds, beetles, and spiders can also prey on termites.

How can I distinguish between winged ants and termites?

Termites have wings of equal length, straight antennae, and a broader waist, whereas ants have a pinched waist, elbowed antennae, and wings of different lengths.

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Innovative EcoBloc technology creates a fortified barrier against bugs

We deploy an arsenal of environmentally responsible and effective UV and water-resistant products which include micro-encapsulated formulas that target pests and ensure long-lasting protection.


We thoroughly inspect a property to detect pest activity, possible points of entry and the most effective treatments.


Our team will provide a report with inspection results and our professional recommendations for the most effective treatments.


Using our proprietary 4 Season Eco-Bloc Technology, we address all agreed-upon issues. We maintain ongoing reporting for easy referencing.

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